Petition to protect Flores Islands against plastic pollution
Flores is one of the most beautiful islands in the world. Places such as the Komodo Islands, home of the worldwide unique Giant Dragons, nice beaches and uncountable spectacular mountains, nice spots for snorkeling and diving – all this #Flores in #Indonesia.
On the other hand plenty of the beaches are covert with plastic rubbish. Even in remote areas there are often piles of plastic waste. Often we saw local people throwing their rubbish away where they are standing at the moment. On boats and ferries people just throw their plastic rubbish overboard.
Furthermore we couldn’t find any evidence of rubbish disposal. There is a great chance that collected waste will be thrown somewhere else again in the nature.
We hope that this short movie can help to start introduce disposal and recycling facilities as well as thinking how to change the behavior of the local people.
We met Nina, a Dutch woman engaged in several projects here on Flores Islands. One big project is the development of the awareness of the local people and the government to do something against further pollution with plastic garbage. Some pictures of the recent activity to collect rubbish at the beach can be found on her Facebook page. Show me the post and the pictures!
Further help and actions are very appreciated!
#Flores #Indonesia #KomodoIsland #GiantDragon #FightAgainstPlasticPollution #SouthEastAsiaBicycleTour
8 Gedanken zu “Protect Flores Islands against plastic pollution”
thank you for posting this. May I use this for my class reading lesson?
Yes, of course. Use the post and the video as you like. We’re more than happy when our petition will be shared.
We hope we can help motivating everybody to find ways to stop further pollution and get rid of the already existing problems.
Best regards
Ute & Eddy
Leider muß hier erstmal überhaupt der Müll gesammelt und ordentlich entsorgt werden. Viele Einheimische lassen einfach allen Müll fallen, auch wenn ein Müllbehälter in der Nähe steht. 🙁
Furchtbar ist das mit dem Plastikmüll. Ich bin darüber auch immer sauer. Habe auf Ibiza am Strand auch manchen Plastikbeutel in Mülleimer entsorgt – obwohl es auf dieser Insel doch relativ sauber ist. Leider haben die Ibizenker keine Mülltrennung…..Ich finde, da ist es in Deutschland vorbildlich.
Liebe Grüße in den fernen Osten – und weiterhin gute Fahrt.
Haven’t watched the video yet, but great initiative! I had the same experience here in Russia. Next to the roads plastic everywhere. It makes me angry when I carry every piece of plastic for lots of kilometers on my bike to the next bin and people with cars just throw everything out of the window! To be honest I lost a rain gaiter today on the way, but this was unmeant.
Thanks, we hope that the short speech will increase the awareness of the local people.
It’s normal that someone loose something by accident, but this is easily to see and easily to remove.